"The Passageway" is a feature length film based on the play, Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver by Merri Biechler.

The film focuses on Mae, a struggling young actress who loses both of her parents to cancer. Peggy, her kind, peacemaker mother dies of cancer in 1995. Six years later, Mae is left to take care of her father, Al. Unlike Peggy, Al does not handle the treatment with any sort of grace and Mae struggles with her role as his caregiver. Throughout the story, Mae works to accept her mother’s death while dealing with a less than compassionate doctor, Al’s obsession with a sci-fi television show and the constant struggle to find a middle ground with her father.

"The Passageway" is a production of the School Media School of Arts at Ohio University - 419 Productions ©2011


Behind the Scenes